
Get inspired by BUas learning community projects, expertise and insights of Imagineering.

  • Navigating Sustainability: Key Competencies for Future Imagineers

    Navigating Sustainability: Key Competencies for Future Imagineers

    Is sustainability the new frontier for Imagineers? Dive into our latest article where we unpack this pressing question. Following our recent World...

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  • The Six Commandments of Ethical Imagineering

    The Six Commandments of Ethical Imagineering

    Lecturer and researcher Marco van Leeuwen, created six commandments, semi-jokingly, about Ethical Imagineering.

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  • Key Competencies for the Future Imagineer

    Key Competencies for the Future Imagineer

    On January 29th 2024, the MBA Imagineering team at Breda University of Applied Sciences hosted its first Innovation Circle. With more than 30...

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  • [node:title]

    Imagineering Learning Community

    One of the educational pillars of BUas is the development of learning communities. The Master Imagineering is currently experimenting in what ways...

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    Podcast: Broaden your horizon. For real!

    Jane Trapman is an alumna of the Master Imagineering. Why did she choose for this master’s programme? And why did she switch from the non-profit...

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